We have a hamster ^^ A Djungarian hamster. Its a Fluffy ^^ We don´t know if its male or female, so it ^^ Its 6 -8 weeks older hamster ^^. Its black and a little bit white. I want to show you a picture but its slept ^^ Maybe its walking in the cage but than its away under the hay. I treid to make a foto for you ^^
And today I try a new hairstyle ^^
Its very fluffy. What did you say? This is reminds me of Selphie Tilmit from Final Fantasy 8
She has brown hair but the has green eyes to like me ^^ Maybe I should think abour a new Cosplay XD |
Bye bye my dears ^^
ui *_*
AntwortenLöschenDann viel spaß mit dem hamster <3
Der macht wohl abends gut krach XD
Deine haare sehen echt toll aus <3
Hast die Frisur echt gut umgesetzt =)
AntwortenLöschendanke :3